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Worship Ministry Tip 1

5 Tips to Lead Worship sw

with the little that we have

1. Stop comparing

We are called to work on becoming the best that we can possibly be and offer our best to the Lord. Comparing ourselves with others can become unhealthy after a point; it invariably leads to envy, insecurity, and bitterness. So be your unique self, God is most happy when you are yourself, not when you mimic someone else!


2. Play within your skills

Play what you know to play, well. Set smaller musical goals every now and then. It could be something as simple as "I want train myself to talk/sing while playing my instrument." Stay true to who you are as an artist while working on improving musical/vocal skill gradually.


3. Collaborate

Work together with your team and think more like arrangers rather than individuals musicians. The little that each of us brings turns into something greater and more beautiful when put together in a spirit of servanthood and teamwork.


4. Keep it simple

In worship, most of the time, simple is most effective. It's really not a necessity to sound like the CD. Keep your arrangements unsophisticated and accessible to the congregation. Here, our limited musical skills can actually be an advantage, how about that!


5. Worship

Yes, this is so cliché, but it's most necessary to mention here! The core of everything that we do is to worship and to help others to worship the Lord. That's our real goal, everything else, including our artistry must take second place. A 'worshiping' worship team is the real deal, else we're just another music band.


"But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others." - Mark 12:42-43


How do you keep the focus on God when struggling with personal and ministerial limitations?
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